Sunday, June 8, 2008

Call Me Naive But.....

With all of the talk about American politics right now, I've noticed something that really annoys me.

I repeatedly hear commentators say:

"Oh [such and such] will appeal to the Latino vote."

"Oh [such and such] will appeal to the Women vote."

"Oh [such and such] will appeal to the Black vote."

"Oh [such and such] will appeal to the Jewish vote."

"Oh, [such and such] will appeal to the Young vote."

So does that mean only the older, white male population of America will be voting for a President without personal bias??

Those that are willing to pigeon hole minority groups like this, I believe, insult the intelligence of humans and challenge the true nature of democracy.


I'm done.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Yes! Wish I had said it! Thank you for giving voice to my thoughts!