Sunday, May 25, 2008

Amazing Weekend!

I think I have fallen in love with horse riding. Well, I've always enjoyed it, but this weekend, I had an amazing time at the Ranch, riding them, looking after them, learning so much about them. They are awesome creatures, and I have never understood just how powerful and how beautiful they can be until now. Obviously, the more I ride, the more confident I get and the more I understand about their behaviour. The more confident I am, the more control I have when I am on one, and the more exciting it gets.

I took two out today, the first one being Happy, who is a relatively safe, calm horse and then I took out Jack, who liked to run a little wild. I found him breaking out into a canter when I least expected it and I would often have to pull him back and settle him down. Its so amazing that you can have such a powerful creature under your control!!!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Ahhh-horses! Amazing creatures, truly. I have always been intensely attracted to and interested in them, and tho I have ridden them on occasion, riding has never been my main attraction. I just love being around them, watching them, studying them. My equine artist cousin, Kim McElroy, and I have that in common! I think there is so much more to horses than meets the eye.