Thursday, January 1, 2009

Capoeira @ Peats Ridge Music Festival

Throughout the days, for those who needed a break from the music, there were a number of workshops in which partygoers could participate, including this Capoeira class. Wikipedia describes capoeira as follows:

Capoeira (IPA: [ka.pu.ˈej.ɾɐ]) is an Afro-Brazilian art form that ritualizes movement from martial arts, games, and dance. It was brought to Brazil from Angola some time after the 16th century in the regions known as Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo. Participants form a roda or circle and take turns either playing musical instruments (such as the Berimbau), singing, or ritually sparring in pairs in the center of the circle. The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use of sweeps, kicks, and headbutts. Less frequently used techniques include elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body throws. Its origins and purpose are a matter of debate, with the spectrum of argument ranging from views of Capoeira as a uniquely Brazilian folk dance with improvised fighting movements to claims that it is a battle-ready fighting form directly descended from ancient African techniques.

Festival-goers trying their hard at basic capoeira movements...

...and then let the experienced dancers show them how its done.

It requires great agility and fitness!

And a little bit of acrobatics as well!

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