Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My KateOnTheGo Blog...

..... is gone. After so many years, Google has stripped me of my rights as a Blogger, and stopped me from accessing my blog.

Despite repeated pleas with them that I really am the author of the blog, they will no un-freeze it.



jin said...

Oh NO!!! :-(
I'm so sorry, that's awful!!!

Overboard said...

I was going to say the 'c' word, but won't cos I know little Charlotte will read her Aunty's blog one day.
Good to see you back.
Not so great to see the word verification.
Tee hee.
Missed ya, Kate.

Pat said...

Oh Kate! I'm so sorry. I've saved my 2006 posts to my hard drive, but not 2007. Now I KNOW I'm gonna do that immediately! I'm really, really sorry Kate! If you need any vouchers (should you decided to pursue this w/Blogger) just let us know!

It sure is REALLLLLY good to hear from you! Love the Fiji pics! Have missed you an awful lot. Sent an email to you and Annie awhile back too. Did you get it? No matter -- I'm just really, really happy to hear from you again! (^_^)

AngelConradie said...

oh kate thats dreadful!!! why would they do that!!?!
i am glad you started again rather than let them get you down completely...