Given that I so unashamedly forced Pat to plug my site on her very popular blog, I feel that I now must actually do some blogging.
Here comes a really negative post, I'm afraid. I'm putting in that warning so that people who come along and read should understand that I am usually not a negative person. Those days are long gone. Until today.
Today I became so mad at someone, that I started shaking, my eyesight went blurry and my fists hurt because they were clenched so much. I guess today was the final straw after a week of frustration on my part. You see, I try and do good by everyone. And I mean everyone. If there is a grocery trolley near someone's car, I will generally move it away so that it doesnt bang their fender. I give up my bus seat to older people. I thank the driver every morning. I pay the cab driver an extra $5 if I've made him take me only a short distance because I dont want to waste his time. I am, what I think, a nice person on a day to day basis. Well, not today. I woke up grumpy which didnt help things. But today was the day that I finally cracked it. I'd become frustrated by people's selfishness, the manipulation, the lies, the lack of respect.... you name it, I claimed that I'd had enough of it.
Sometimes I get really really frustrated at human beings and their quest for endless gain. I see it every day, in my job. You see, in my job, when you step in and say "hey, this isnt a good idea, its risky", you're the worst person in the world who is "sticking their nose in it". Then, when they get in the sh*t over a matter and they dont know what to do, they have me on speed dial. And then when it comes time to actually save their bacon, the excuses that flow about why they didnt do something or why they didnt attend a particlar seminar which trained them to avoid whatever situation they are now in, it frustrates me and makes me mad. *sigh*
And today things boiled over for me over a mere $500 that is owed to me. Rightfully owed to me. $500 is a fair bit of money and right now, this close to Xmas, that $500 counts. However, at the end of the day, $500 is $500. I wonder whether there is any point getting mad over a stupid issue like $500 when there are people out there who have nothing. I am blessed because I am able to provide for myself. Shoudl I really be going out and stressing about something which, at the end of the day, is a little issue.
I guess its just when I combine my general frustration with having to continually battle manipulating and deceitful people, with this particular situation, I was bound to crack it.
Right. Now that I've gone and complained, its time for me to go to bed, and hope for a better day!
Thanks for listening!!!